
Barockschloss Ruegers

Tel: +43 664 214 5855
Octavian Pilati, Riegersburg 1, 2092 Hardegg
E-mail: office@ruegers-hardegg.at
www.schlossruegers.at, www.burghardegg.at

In the northern Waldviertel amidst a pond landscape, stands the Baroque Ruegers Castle. The story began in the Middle Ages with the reconstruction "Veste zum Ruegers" - the small castle of the Rüdiger, which was later rebuilt into a moated castle and subsequently to the representative palace of the princes Khevenhüller-Metsch. Also Empress Maria Theresia was regularly among the guests of the house. On a tour of the state rooms, you will not only learn stories from the history of the castle, but also learn more about baroque and aristocratic country life of the noble family Pilati (formerly Khevenhüller-Metsch), which still owns the castle today.

Einrichtungen im Dorf   Riegersburg

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